to blame / bleɪm /


to blame2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

blamed, blam·ing.

  1. to hold responsible; find fault with; censure: I don't blame you for leaving him.
  2. to place the responsibility for: I blame the accident on her.
  3. Informal. blast; damn: Blame the rotten luck.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act of attributing fault; censure; reproof: The judge said he found nothing to justify blame in the accident.
  2. responsibility for anything deserving of censure: We must all share the blame for this deplorable condition.

to blame 近义词

to blame

等同于 responsible

to blame

等同于 at fault

to blame

等同于 culpable

to blame

等同于 answerable

更多to blame例句

  1. It turns out there are a number of ways of divvying up the blame.
  2. It’s easy to throw blame at university leaders and students for the chaos that schools have already experienced this year.
  3. A law firm preparing the city’s defense has put the blame on environmental contractors.
  4. The Kenyan government also shared blame for being in breach of both environmental and human rights laws within the Kenyan constitution.
  5. This suggests that at least some voters are open to an argument that gives China a significant share of the blame for the pandemic.
  6. If so, he has his silence -- on top of poor judgment -- to blame.
  7. And who can blame them for feeling disenfranchised when they see their efforts dwarfed by the mega donors.
  8. And in so many of these events, the pattern of “blame the victim” was quickly in evidence.
  9. “Most of the diseases we blame on nutrition are actually diseases of disempowerment,” Bacon said.
  10. Authorities blame anarchists protesting a proposed high-speed rail line called TAV that will link Turin and Lyon, France.
  11. Tell Lady Maude the candid truth, and take shame and blame to yourself, as you deserve.
  12. And he was inclined to believe that it was Grandfather Mole that was to blame for the scarcity of worms in the neighborhood.
  13. If the journey is now distasteful to her, she has but her own rashness to blame in having sought it herself.
  14. My own yielding folly alone is to blame, and I shall take shame to myself for ever.
  15. I don't blame him for killin' the cuss, not a bit; I'd have shot any man livin' that 'ad taken a good horse o' mine up that trail.